Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Yoga and reality

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 1:30 pm
Performed more moves yesterday on the yoga mat to be joined by one of the cats, pictured above. Yoga really does work when its done on a regular basis, but it's distressing how much flexibility is lost and you feel like a beginner again. Add bulk you have an uphill struggle. Slightly achy today which is unusual for yoga..

The pedometer has shocked me. In fact i'm horrified. I'm way more sedetary than I thought. This calls for longer walks on a regular basis.

Feeling positive about my food control though, so all is not lost. I now need to put effort into moving my body for more of the day.

4 delightful comment/s:

Beth on 12/1/11 9:07 pm said...

Got my food in order, too. But still extremely resistant to exercise and I don't even really WANT to be motivated in that regard.

The Shrinking Vegetarian on 12/1/11 11:18 pm said...

Sounds like you are doing really great. Good to see.

Hope the cat enjoyed the yoga. :)

Beth @ Kitchen Minions on 13/1/11 12:51 am said...

Real numbers are a great way to get a reality check. I had no clue how much I overestimated until I saw the numbers. yowza. It's hard to get to 10,000 steps in a sitting job!

Lou on 13/1/11 3:21 am said...

Agree re steps! Happy to say that upping my water intake has also upped the steps, and while it used to something that I'd vaguely be annoyed about I now trot down that hall to the bathroom every 25 minutes knowing it's all adding up :).


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