Sunday 21 February 2010


Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 11:30 am
I have been travelling as my photo above attests. Only as far as London though! These lovely scrummy ducks were papped  in China town on a city walk about. I would have had a glorious shot of the inside of London's best cheese shop but my camera has deleted the image somehow. 

This week has been a week of two halves- the first was very well behaved and restrained the second was kind of wild. On the wild side I managed to pack away 2 pancakes for Shrove Tuesday, some pizza , sheeps cheese and a nice bowl of halva and pistachio frozen yogurt oh and a chicken kebab. My post it notes for the I'm worth more challenge dwindled to very little this weekend. As a result  yesterday I bought an advocado and a tomato at the supermarket and had to pull myself away from the lure of the cake aisle and I had to steer a very straight course away from the drive through as my junk sensors were tingling.

I decided to jump on the scales today to see what damage I had inflicted on my body. No loss - no gain! I'm disappointed obviously but not very surprised this week. I could have done so much better but hey ho today is another day...

3 delightful comment/s:

Alexia on 21/2/10 2:09 pm said...

At least you didn't gain!

But, yes, continue to challenge your body!

Amy on 21/2/10 2:45 pm said...

Well a big ol' PHEW!! I am always shocked after having a traveling, not so on the program with food week. It's normally week 2 that has to change, after a week 1 like that that will be the discerning element there! It is always the 2nd week that makes the needle move up or down for me anywho...yikes! Darn needle!

Hope you are having a lovely time!!

Jane on 24/2/10 12:57 am said...

I'm sorry but I can't eat duck. Conditions for them are very bad. Denied water (apart from dipping their heads in troughs). Not good! I prefer to see them on the water waggling their tails and quacking. Call me old-fashioned but there you go!


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