Sunday 17 January 2010

Shaking it up

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 6:27 pm
The ice has all but melted from the ground here and about. It's a delight seeing solid ground again. As I have been seeing grey gym carpet and wooden studio floors I thought I'd take myself out for a walk in the great outdoors.

The body of water lies in the middle of hills, there was still ice on the roads down to the car park. I walked half of the walk quite well, avoiding the ice by walking in the muddy puddles. At one point I realised that I have no sense of balance when I had to perch on stepping stones across an enormous puddle. I was actually scared incase I fell off the stones into the skanky water: I can't believe what a coward I've become but having extra weight doesn't do much for balance. I had to sit out the shoulder stands in yoga too on Friday for much the same reasons. Whilst crossing the sheets ice I was over taken by 4 joggers, risking life and limb.

I'm going to have to step up the menu planning this week as I feel a sense of boredom creeping in  to my eating with having the same repetitive fruit and rye cracker snacks. 

Many thanks to Enz for awarding me the tertiary Beautiful Blogger award too. I feel like an oscar winner!

7 delightful comment/s:

Beth @ Kitchen Minions on 17/1/10 9:20 pm said...

I'm terrified of falling, even when I'm jogging I'm really hesitant around any ice patches. I know how bad it is to fall!

Marilee on 17/1/10 9:49 pm said...

Guess I should be thankful for the rain instead of snow and ice. I bet it felt nice to get out and walk around though.

Pining for Pinterest on 17/1/10 11:16 pm said...

I always get freaked out around the ice!!! Great job on the walk :-)

Katie J ♥ on 18/1/10 10:25 pm said...

I have an award for you on my blog :-)

Lisa on 19/1/10 2:21 am said...

Hi There,

I saw below this post that you'd been given a bloggy award. I've got one for you on my blog as well! Come by when you get a chance and pick it up.


StarrStarr on 20/1/10 3:57 am said...

I noticed that you started following my blog and I just had to stop by and say THANKS!

ALSO: I found your blog last week and I have gone back and read every post from the beginning. You are such an inspiration for me and my journey and I thank you for that.

TheLosingAmerican on 22/1/10 8:46 am said...

OMG I KNOW!!! I was walking to work last week (before the rain washed everything away) and there were people jogging on the ice and slipping all over the place. I thought to myself, 'is breaking a leg REALLY worth missing 2 or 3 runs?!'


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