Friday 8 January 2010

Chocolate cake challenge

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 6:53 pm
I'm still feeling painfully sorry for myself about being ill. I fell lousy in the morning and at night but full of beans in the afternoon- not enough to even do mild yoga. The evil gym instructor rang me today asking to make an appointment for a review. This is where I get to tell him how much pain he put me through so he can review the woefully inadequate painful work out he devised for me .I am looking forward to that! I'm hoping to resume gym routines gently on Monday.

Yesterday the dashing chap was a hero, he bought me congestion and pain relief and we sat round the heater he bought me for my flat, whilst i made groaning, grunting and explosive sneezing noises from the sofa intermittently. We did go out for a drink in the afternoon. We made it to a cake and chocolate place thats well known in this area. I ordered a hot chocolate as my indulgent treat I could have ordered a toasted teacake but I chose not to and the dashing chap had a cappucino, my free disks of chocolate and a large piece of the most devilish marzipan and chocolate cake. The drinks were set down before us when the waitress brought his cake. She eyed us both up and was about to set the cake down infront of me. She obviously assumed I would be the recipient of the chocolate fest being the most rotund. Bloody assumptions! The dashing one let the spoon of chocolate cake breath beneath my nose. I decided I'd have one mouthful as I was curious to know how it tasted rather than actually wanting to stuff my face. It tasted chocolately, had a velvety texture but it was ultimately way too sweet. I'm growing to abhor sugary foods, so help me! It did not set me spiralling into an abyss, to which I'm greatful.

My clothes are an iota lose again. I dashed to an outlet shop this afternoon where I can buy jackets for £6.00. I actually bought one jacket for £0.99 and it fits me properly. I can fasten the buttons all the way up. I had to do a double take and adjust my head a bit The size that I have barely squozen in for two years and more fastens and it is not made of stretchy material! As I have lost over 15 pounds since I have got back on track. I decided to treat myself to a necklace made from Amythyst, aquamarine and silver.

5 delightful comment/s:

Jer on 8/1/10 8:49 pm said...

Jewelery is my favorite treat for myself just because clothes don't last anymore! Great find on the necklace. :)

Good luck getting back to the gym!

Amanda on 8/1/10 9:40 pm said...

Such a lovely reward for good behavior!!! Amethyst is the stone of sobriety, which I think is very apprpriate give nteh nature of food addiction and your attempt to break the chains! Good work :)

Traci Michele on 8/1/10 10:36 pm said...

Hey there! Nice to meet you. Found you over at choosing freedom.

I need some encouragement! I am starting at 192, goal 155....

Had a rough first week.

Come follow if you want and encourage encourage encourage me! :-)

Enz on 9/1/10 1:06 am said...

Way to go on the chocolate cake challenge!!!!

I have found lots of foods that I used to lvoe no longer appeal to me...I don't know if chocolate will ever be on that list though!

Kat on 9/1/10 1:38 am said...

Good job with the cake!The necklace sounds lovely - and a nice treat. I hope you feel better soon.


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