Tuesday 1 December 2009

Yes you heard me brioche again!

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 3:45 pm

I'm hanging my head in shame again this afternoon: I made brioche french toast again with poached raspberries instead of blackberries today for breakfast. Yesterday was a resounding success in terms of no eating between meals whatsoever and having no snacks. I'm convinced it was my hearty breakfast that made it so. I'm slightly baulking at all the fat in the brioche now. What seemed like a brilliant idea yesterday and this morning is less so this afternoon. Still a healthy balance of low fat food later on it the day should see me right...

I'm reading a book on food intolerance, food addiction and hypogylcaemia today. It's mildly interesting. It seems I have all three. The answer? Eat unrefined food, bring on the brown rice and brown pasta. I know it's really good for me over refined rice and pasta but its taste. I'm so reluctant to change my ways. I feel like i'm dragging my feet into good health, actually, i'm screaming.

2 delightful comment/s:

Beth @ Kitchen Minions on 2/12/09 4:02 am said...

I know what you mean, it's a hard change, but seems to be what's worth it. I firmly believe that if a food doesn't make you binge that it's good to readjust calories to eat the food you love.

F. McButter Pants on 3/12/09 4:21 pm said...

I can relate to not wanting to change to brown stuff. After I tired it I decided that brown pasta was ok, but I still don't like brown rice....but I tried it!

yum on the breakfast....


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