Wednesday 30 December 2009

Old Times

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 12:01 pm
I'm at my folks again until tonight. Mum invited her neighbours round for a meal last night and as there weren't enough chairs I spent the night upstairs. I felt like I was 8 again, not being able to socialise with the nice people. As their next door neighbour is terrified of cats two of the moggies were in the bed room with me.

Mps player on I finished off Confessions of a Carb Queen which was really great. I totally identified with many parts of her story, especially the hiding take out wrappers under car seats. Ick. Moved on and read Janet Street-Porter's book Life's too f***ing Short,which is Porter's no nonsense guide to cutting out the crap things we do in life. I have decided as a result to delete about 90 % of my online contacts as some are a waste of space. I am considering selling several of my classic novels on line. I have about 10 boxes of books doing nothing in my parent's garage. I will never read them again unless I really love them! I'm thinking about the New Year now and whilst I will not make resolutions per se I am going to improve the quality of my life and reduce the clutter therein.

3 delightful comment/s:

Fat[free]Me on 30/12/09 12:46 pm said...

I am just catching up. Am delighted at your gym-going, it is what made the difference for me I can tell you.

Love how well you have done at this most difficult time of year and am envious at all those lovely books you got (can't really recommend Passing for Thin though, especially when I found her blog to discover she has put a lot of weight back on and is miserable). Must Get Janet S-P's book, that sounds good!

Hope you have a great Hogmanay too!

Kat on 31/12/09 8:30 am said...

I think it is great to let go of things like books that we may no longer need. My friend Beth used to say that doing this sort of thing creates a "vacuum" for new and good things in our lives. Happy New Year. Good luck to you with your healthy goals for 2010.

F. McButter Pants on 31/12/09 9:29 pm said...

Must check out the about life being too short! Too bad the sent you upstairs. They were probably old and boring

Letting go of the books will be good. I read Passing for Thin as well. I thought it was interesting. She used O.A. to loose her weight.

Happy New Year.....


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