Wednesday 25 November 2009

Simple Dental Check up.

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 6:44 pm
Today I appeared at the dentist slap-bang-on-time and was seated in the padded dental chair two minutes later, there not being a queue of unwilling patients to delay me.

I brought with me my beautiful enamel crown which fell off a month ago after a run in with some toffee. (That will teach me). One dentist had already failed to fit the crown so my dentist duly tried. No luck. I would need a new crown as the tooth had moved. (Did it leave a forwarding address?) "Do you have time for me to fit a temporary crown?" he said an innocuous grin across his chops.

When he needle-wielded his large syringe I was surprised. Surely all that drilling and injecting had been done last time? No. I was in for a mouth feeling like I had had B list celeb cosmetic surgery. Forty five minutes later I skipped out unable to eat anything. Dental visits do have some advantages I muttered under my breath.

Somehow I'd switched the lounge heater off too so the flat was cold on my return. The village library was shut so I hot footed it over to the next public library which was just as closed. Escaped to the cake ridden world of my parents and designed a cover for my novel using a very nifty photo package. Printed out my winners certificate and felt quite depressed I wasn't writing, had a nap and somewhere a long the way I forgot to eat in between meals. It just wasn't necessary. Puzzled by this turn of events I am about to go window shopping with a quid in my purse. Glorious day!

1 delightful comment/s:

Beth @ Kitchen Minions on 26/11/09 5:16 am said...

sorry about the tooth! Enjoy the window shopping!


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