Wednesday 28 October 2009

Day 3

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 10:25 pm
Okay so the man asked for the the remaining chocolates tonight but there were none left. I'd manage to clear then out of the house.

Staggered into a supermarket and came out with diet coke and a 17p pancake mix. I bought the pancake mix as a desire to impulse buy as I'd previously spotted a top for Christmas I'd love to purchase so was feeling upset that I had 84p in my purse and nothing in the cash machine. Buying the mix made me feel like someone who goes shopping nothing more. Plus as it goes well with lemon and sugar that I have in my cupboards i argued I had a meal.

Haven't eaten junk or inbetween meals at all. Mixed results today, roll on tomorrow. Am still avoiding getting on the scales.

1 delightful comment/s:

GallusBesom on 1/11/09 11:00 pm said...

One day at a time. It is possible. I think you should do the gym for a month. Apparently if you do something for 28 days it becomes a habit.


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