Tuesday 27 October 2009

Day 2- Leaves

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 7:21 pm

I have had a great day. Woke up early ate museli with fruit and nuts and strolled through the day like it was a holiday.

Decided to return a library book in my local town, by walking the path upto the base of the hill and then down the steep incline. It was a real joy to be puffing and panting again and pausing to take pictures of trees that have gone full cycle.

The library fine was 84p so I went to the supermarket in town with a stride in my boots. I had to re program myself not to look at cakes and biscuits and i succeeded, grabbing a pack of button mushrooms in panic. Bought the shopping and then heaved ho-d it up the hill with an extra strong shopper. The leaves are nearly off the trees. In a week or so they will have blown away but I am dwelling in their mellowness.

Food was good today, other than the urge to eat through the tin of chocolates at fruit snack time. Had they not been in the flat i wouldn't have had a handful. I was able to stop though I can't wait for his honour to releive me of the rest of the fatty treats

SO moderate success and a weigh in tomorrow.

2 delightful comment/s:

Lou on 27/10/09 11:21 pm said...

Sounds like a blissful day - love the photos!

Fat[free]Me on 28/10/09 1:28 pm said...

Beautiful photos - wishing you all the success in the world with your fresh new start - you can do it!


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