Tuesday 7 July 2009

Only the Lonely.

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 1:05 pm
The home shopping channels have been virtually my only company these past two days and I'm starting to get cabin fever here at my folk's house. Please add lots of sympathy here...

Did venture out briefly to town briefly and to a cheap supermarket to get some basics. My shopping basket glows with good health. It's so easy to shop when you ignore the crisp, chocolate, cereal and bakery isles. I did think about getting the chap some biscuits to go with his coffee but then again why put temptation in my way? So I didn't, plus I thought it would be good for him too. Have you seen what strange stuff they put in some biscuits? I love watching people lingering over the chocolate with guilt. They never do that over red peppers.

My walk around town was hardly cardiovascular but the rain is chucking it down at the minute so I'm antsy and indoors. More photos and a walk soon I swear...

2 delightful comment/s:

Scrappy Girl on 7/7/09 2:21 pm said...

I am not a fan of that cabin fever feeling...

Violet Cream on 7/7/09 4:16 pm said...

I think that going to bed and hiding is sometimes a solution to days like these!


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