Monday 20 July 2009

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 3:54 pm

"Make Haste slowly"

I've put up a picture of my mother when she was about my age as well as a photo of me in Chester as contrast. It's odd because my mother always thought she was really fat when she was younger but I think she looks great here. It's sort of aspirational too because I really do want to sit on a warm beach in a bikini for at least 10 minutes instead of making sure I only have my upper body photographed.

There are loads of reasons why I want to loose weight, fitting into a bikini is one of them alongside being able to do yoga positions correctly without my belly getting in the way. Perhaps I will blog at length about my motivation in more depth another day.

Yesterday I got a surprise telephone call from the honey. He was outside my flat. I immediately drove over to see him to be greeted with some crimson roses and a warm smile. I don't usually see the fellow on Sundays so it was a special treat. However I didn't have food in the flat so I got extravagantly hungry. When he left I came to my folk's place and ate wildly. I didn't eat more than my modest portions but i was in a hurry to eat. I also consumed a bag of crisps which I vowed never to eat again. I will have to watch that nasty little fried potato chip habit.

Today I went out to the shops with mum. We trawled round for ages and i was getting into overly hungry phase by 2.15 because we hadn't had lunch. My stomach is expecting food every 2/3 hours now and when it doesn't get it there are tempests. So doing well still, but those little gremlins are resurfacing.

4 delightful comment/s:

Jenn@slim-shoppin on 20/7/09 6:44 pm said...

I love that picture of your Mom! It's so cute! I look back at pictures of when I was younger in which now I would die to look like, but then I thought I was fat! I've learned to love the body I am in, but of course, I would like that to go down!

Fat[free]Me on 20/7/09 7:14 pm said...

You really do look like your mum - she was gorgeous too!

Love those Tudor buildings in Chester.

Could you carry a small snack in your bag in case of emergencies when out like that in future? That is what I do and it works (so far, lol!).

Violet Cream on 21/7/09 12:22 am said...

I have become tolerant of my body. My whole point is to care for the body so much I actually look after it! It's worked damnably hard these years.

Good tip. I just assumed that we would eat fairly soon after arriving there, so was horrified when we didn't. I feel a snack with me at all times is the answer, rather than just when i know i cant eat.

Danielle on 21/7/09 12:53 am said...

I think we all have a list (x100)... I have the same issue with yoga, and I REALLY need to get into it because of my back and neck issues. I feel you there.

I agree about the snack in the purse. I carry a Larabar around in my purse, back pack, and car. It is 210 calories, and has protein, fiber, and a dash of fat from the nuts that satisfies me!! Good tip!


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