Wednesday 15 July 2009

Gather with two

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 4:02 pm

Scatter with one hand; gather with two

Smells of cooking pervade my parent's house. I have just baked a whinberry pie(moorland bilberry for all those of you not familiar with this dialect word.)It's sitting on the counter top oozing purple juices of sweet berriness. Fear not! I am not going to eat the damned thing but feed it to the honey tonight along with chantilly cream. There's a real delight at providing free food for others.

Today I climbed THE hill and I picked whimberries on the way down. Afterall the birds delight in the small pleasures, why not us? It was back aching work but i think the results are worth it when the chap eats the local delicacy.

It was windy and deliciously sunny at the top of the hill and I took pleasure in sweating a lot. At the bottom i took off my boots and my hiking socks were sodden, my fingers stained with violet juice.

2 delightful comment/s:

Cole Walter Mellon on 15/7/09 5:15 pm said...

You have a very nice way of putting words together. I'd still prefer a slice of pie, but a slice of life is nice as well.

Violet Cream on 15/7/09 6:27 pm said...

Why thank you, Jack.


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