Friday 31 July 2009

A few sunny hours.

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 10:54 am
" Record only the sunny hours"

The sun made a fragile appearance yesterday, albeit briefly. Today it is glowing with Summer but I'm stuck indoors waiting for my car to be fixed.

The car like me has an issue with its controls. In the car's case it's the cooling fan that's stopped working. For 6 weeks I have been truly ingenious at avoiding overheating the engine and getting stuck in traffic. Methods I have resorted to are turning on the heater in full during warm days to take heat away from the engine and driving to the other side of the city to avoid the jams. I have become crafty.

This craftiness has spilled out elsewhere in other areas of my life now that I'm not so obsessed with stuffing my face. I am starting to have energy to do more things and more things at once, which i can only attribute to weight loss. However, I did return with the honey to Ikea for my usual meatballfest.

Ikea used to name all their furniture after Swedish placenames but they have been branching out into names. This made me laugh hysterically at the side table called Dave and the roman blinds named Iris. It seems I am easily amused. We also managed to bag a bargain of the century a plastic toilet brush and holder for 10p!

I'm watching my food intake a bit more carefully today to make up for the meatballs and the cider of Wednesday night. Plus it's time I went walking again. I have the weather and my blister has heeled. I am getting urges to walk further afield though.

1 delightful comment/s:

Cole Walter Mellon on 31/7/09 5:02 pm said...

I think we don't fully realize how much energy being really overweight and unfit saps from our day-to-day lives. Like you say, even the brain benefits from a more healthy lifestyle.

Have a great weekend!


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