Wednesday 24 June 2009

Reflections on Pyjamas

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 3:26 pm

I felt like taking a picture of today's main meals. Don't ask me why, I have my whims.

On one such whim I bought a pair of pyjamas in the sale for next to nothing last week. They are meant to be my size but they are at least one size too small. I'm looking forward to the day i can wear them. The material is the thinnest cotton. They look delicate and fresh. I bet I end up fitting into them in the midst of a horrendous winter. They are currently on a hanger on the outside of my wardrobe, greeting me each time I go into the bedroom and wishing me well when I leave the room. I can almost hear them whisper.

2 delightful comment/s:

Scrappy Girl on 25/6/09 8:25 pm said...

I just had some cherries for my afternoon snack...they were yummy!

I love pajamas...hope you fit in your new ones before winter!

Stella said...

Glad there are millions of us out there enjoying the abundant crop of cherries.

I imagine I will wear the pyjamas with a think set of winter woolies, scarf, hat and gloves. Very chic!


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