Saturday 27 June 2009

Feeling Great

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 8:20 am

When I got up this morning I made fresh coffee from the coffee filter, sliced fresh lingonberry bread and added slices of bacon. It was simple and that's how I like food to be. I'm feeling wide awake and full of the joys of summer.

Planned my meals for next week last night. It was full of interesting seasonal food stuffs and ingredients I haven't eaten for a while- courgettes, aubergines and spinach etc. I thought the food planning would be a chore but actually it makes the whole thing a damned lot easier; this is something which i'm readily in favour.

A couple of days ago I climbed up THE hill with my beau. The sun was in full force but we got a gusty blow from the wind across the tops. The grass was billowing in huge clumps and it was a delight to show someone else one of my view of the world.

2 delightful comment/s:

Scrappy Girl on 27/6/09 2:36 pm said...

I haven't heard of alot of the foods you mentioned (except for spinach)...they must get lost in translation...LOL!

Violet Cream on 27/6/09 7:59 pm said...

OOOh I totally forgot that English has different versions across the globe. Courgette is zuccini and aubergine is egg plant. What a funny world we live in!


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