Saturday 13 June 2009

Food Envy

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 2:01 pm
My mum is dieting. She has joined a popular slimming club and is starting to shift weight. What I have noticed is her total preoccupation with food and what others are eating.

Take yesterday, she looked at my body and said, "Your stomach is getting bigger." Telling this to a friend she said I should have replied , "it's only seems that way because your world is getting smaller." Everything I eat is looked down upon. Food is categorised into acceptable and none acceptable foods, which is actually an anathema to me.

Having said that I did dive through a large bag of "silent mix" and feel guilt; a pack consisting of shrimp sweets , foamy bananas, flying saucers and marshmallows. I also got a rather nasty sugar head ache, proving to myself that bucket loads of sugar isn't good for anyone. Why does it take pain to realise this obviousness?

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