Saturday 21 March 2009

Stood up

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 8:35 pm

I've just binged on half a block of Cadbury's caramel, a rolo pot and a bag of fudge. The reason I was stood up on a date for the first time ever.

I'm beyond angry. I was meant to meet this gentleman at 5pm in my local. I arrived in the crowded pub at 4.45pm and sat by the door looking like a lost soul. I drank rum and coke then I moved onto a bottle of Aspell cider. People moved my spare chair away. In the end I gave in and ordered a burger made with caramelised red onions and grilled goats cheese, served with chips. No sign of my date. I went home and gorged myself.

What people don't see when they stand you up is the great lengths you go to to make the place look hospitable and the efforts you make with dress and grooming and so on. I spent half of my income per week on a pair of shoes for the date, which meant that my rent will be late. Really damned well not worth it, so thank you mr stander upper.

I'm angry and upset and I have rejection issues. Feel like shit.

2 delightful comment/s:

Jane on 22/3/09 10:37 pm said...

Hi Stella

So sorry that you were stood up like that. What a mean thing for him to do. You should "name and shame" him.

I would!

If it's any consolation I was once stood my mates and that was in a crowded pub too. They claimed I "got the time wrong" to meet up.

Yeh right!

Jeanne said...

That sucks and, believe me, reflects more on the cad who never showed up. You are a braver soul than I. I married so young that I never dated other men so as to learn to deal with rejection issues. Believe me, I took the cowardly way out of the dating scene.

Onward and upward!

At least you've got a GREAT pair of shoes!



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