Saturday 6 September 2008

In which I prepare for bad weather

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 12:53 pm

Ok so the weather was terrible last night. Torrential rain again. I slept badly being woken at 6 am by some bugger going to the bottle bank. Why they cant sleep in for 15 minutes is beyond me; it's Saturday for Pete's Sake.

I decided that today I would stay with my folk's cats overnight. I prepared well. I put on my warm grey woolly and headed here. (See photo above.) It has a turtleneck which will hide a cast of thousands in. As I was driving down to here I realise how warm the day was. The sun was shining and all water was drying up. I've been foiled by the weather again. I passed walkers in t shirts. Almost passed out at my parents due to the heat, before I changed into a top I had at my parents'.

I'm eating rather odd meals. An odd mix of ingredients from the fridge and cupboard. Hopefully this will rectify itself when I do the weekly shop next Monday. At six this morning I had a pancake and maple syrup and then went back to bed with Spanish. No not some hot blooded latino type but a stick of liquorice!

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