Friday 5 September 2008

More Rain

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 5:39 pm
This place is beginning to have a wet season. All in place of our summer. The kids have gone back to school for Goodness sake! It's autumn and the trees are turning orange.

I mananged to save some spare cash this week. But I have splurged the lot on winter woolies. Bliss of thick silver grey wool and light purple mohair. Needless to say I haven't done much exercise other than unzipping my purse back and forward. I did walk a long way in the shopping arcade yesterday but i was on the way to buy aunt jemima waffle and pancake mix, original.

This morning I had a thoroughly American breakfast. Pancakes and maple syrup, with the slight addition of scottish raspberries. Yum yum yum. I know at some point my weight loss will level out and I will have to cut the goodies out of my diet.

Faced stigma again from an online user who accused me of being fat and thus unable to get a date. It made me smile but at the same time left me angry and damn well insulted for all women like me.

Life has settled into a nice routine apart from the walking. Tomorrow is market day and I will buy mushrooms and perhaps make mushroom soup if i'm up to it later in the day.

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