Sunday 6 July 2008

New Starts

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 1:14 pm

New starts are always good. I woke up this morning with a decidedly merry feeling. Out came my cereal and I poured out my soya milk rather than milk which doesn't agree with me. Spoke to friends this morning and I am feeling great.

I have neglected this blog and yes my body. But the great thing is I don't feel any shame associated with that as I have done in the past. My last blog entry seems a bit bitter as I re read it over, full of self pity and desperation. Thank goodness I'm not there today.

So today I have a walk planned as we know those of you who have bothered to read my back enteries that walking is good for me. I'm doing the hilly walk whether it rains or not.

Last night Joan Collins was on the Gok fashion show talking about how she looks so good. She put it down to not eating rubbish. I mentally calculated my last meals and yes pure rubbish. Last night was a case in point I had a burning urge to get sugar in the form of cream soda and chocolate. Today I found a piece of chocolate on the car seat it went back in its box- the insanity has to stop. I can't bloody give up on myself.

So this is an I'm on track again guys... despite the house sale... despite not having anywhere to live ...despite a million and one excuses. catch you at the top of the have a little perspective on things.....

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