Saturday 12 April 2008

Fall From Grace and my climb uphill again

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 5:20 pm
My blogging has become like my nutricious eating last week- that is to say none existant. Oh Dear.

But dear reader I did set out on a walk on Tuesday, a short one to get me into the spirit of the thing to the post office. I had walked 300 yards from the front door when my foot hit the curb stone and I ended up falling like a fat superwoman through the air for about 1 inch before I came to an unceremonious thumping landing on the pavement. My glasses flew off in front of me such was the pace of my fall, as did my letter to America. A cyclist went sailing by and muttered a are you okay as i rubbed my self.

Yes I did limp to the post office and yes it did hurt.

At night i bandadged myself up with antibacterial cream and then sulked at home for the next three days. My eating was wild. I was an out of control animal again. I need not say the words pancakes at 2.30am to the uninitiated.

Today was different. I ate two meals before I went walking . A real proper walk with mud encrusted walking boots on. I wallowed in the mud. I felt the sun on my skin, creating vitamin d in my body, and i was overjoyed. I looked at walls of lichen and moss again and amused myself by looking at a small white poodle which lower half was entirely black from the mud. I walked past the horses asleep in the fields and made clk clk noises to them. Spring was in my step and daffodils in my heart and other such purple phrases. Walking puts order back into my life. Where shall I go tomorrow?

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