Friday 21 March 2008

Walking Companion

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 6:53 pm

I have started blogging every other day. This is because not much is happening at the minute. I am spending a few days a week at the hospital with mum and in between that swimming and walking.

Today was nice as a friend accompanied me on my walk. It made me realise how long the walk I was on was in the biting wind. Hail poured down on us as we approached the village. Half way round the walk we got a small flurry of snow until the sun came out and the seering wind. It rained yesterday so there were huge muddy puddles all over the place. I was glad of my walking boots. Managed to snap a photo of the decorated tree.

Earlier we went out to you guessed it the pizza place again. I was longing for a desert. Something about cold weather screams at me to eat pudding. However. I am now pleased I didn't and I can feel virtuous all evening. It's Good Friday today. Easter is rapidly approaching. I'm wondering if I should touch chocolate at all then. I have carrot soup in abundance. See my photo. I just don't know. The sugar is the devil...

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