Tuesday 4 March 2008

Full Body Shot

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 3:01 pm

3 delightful comment/s:

Jane on 4/3/08 9:04 pm said...

Hi Stella

It's very brave of you to place a full shot of yourself onto your blog and I reckon the way you are going the weight will drop off. Trust me. I know I said I would do the same so I am now going to place 2 photos of myself onto my blog, one of which shows me with my Mum in Dublin (bloody freezing that day, don't know why we're smiling) the other shows me facially..albeit a side shot John took but it's hideous because, as you know, I have a thing about the spots on my face, so I suppose this is the brave thing I am about to do...post it on my blog which is thebes1966.blogspot.com.

Anonymous said...

To my dear friend Violet a.k.a.The Amazing Shrinking Woman:

I just want to say how proud I am of you for embarking on this ever so challenging but rewarding journey. I really believe you are going about this in the very best way - through exercise first and foremost and healthy eating. I know I always must remind myself that there are no bad foods since guilt serves no purpose in cultivating a healthier lifestyle. I also love that you are remaining so open and honest about what comes your way each day and then making your decisions accordingly. I think by not being obsessively rigid and just by doing better overall is the key to success.

As you know, I love the Japanese proverb "Fall down seven times, get up eight!" If you do well more often than not, you are making progress and will certainly achieve whatever it is you set out to do. ( Egads! I sounded like a motivational speaker there..LOL).

You are already a testament at how your more active lifestyle is paying off. Wow...five pounds *claps*! I remember a nutrition expert once telling me that often people don't lose weight in the first week or two and that can be a bit discouraging. Some actually gain weight before it starts to decrease. It is probably the body's initial shock at our new lifestyle and it is saying "what the hell are you doing to me?"....then it gives in to this new calorie expenditure and says okay.."you win,I am out of here!"

On one hand I want to congratulate you for posting a full body photo of yourself, only because I know that the thought of a full body shot in a photo gives me angst at times. But, by the same token, as I look at your photo I think you are beautiful.

I also empathize fully in your quest to shed some pounds as I am wanting to do the same. As I have grown older, vanity has come to play a lesser role and as much as I sometimes hate to admit it - losing weight does equate to better health in the long run eg. lower blood pressure and less chance for other health complications.

So, I just want to say "good on ya, Vi!" and I hope to be with you every full aerobic step of the way.

Your friend always whether the scale be up or down,

Anonymous said...

violet- i see i must find you here- i didnt realize you were at your parents for so long, i dont know why, but it was good to update myself here anyhow. you lovely person- i am so proud of you- did it feel like a release at all to have gone ahead and done what you feared?- i hope you don't regret it, i think it will only help in the progress you are making. i need to take some lessons from you as things get glum for me and i've not been good about getting the exercise i need to replace my meds. you are inspiring! -quirks


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