Sunday 3 August 2008

First Weight Loss Compliment

Posted by Violet Cream at precisely 12:31 pm

I received my first weight loss compliment today and it felt absolutely wonderful. It came totally out of the blue this morning, especially when I don't think I had lost weight but was taking more care of what I wore.

Yesterday I went walking in the rain. I set off as the rain was spitting, wearing my summer walking hat (see photo). I soon had to tie my cardigan around my waist as the sun came out. I could hardly see the reservoir for the trees. The sun was obscured by clouds and it really started pouring down as I headed for the car, water dripping from the strawlike brim of my hat.

Lunch had been bad choices and I really felt the effort of walking on such a sugary diet. Today I made sure I had proper food for once so I can go out in the rain again.

Still no news on the flat. I'm feeling so good.

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